Privacy Policy for Kinjoy

1. Introduction:This Privacy Policy applies to the Kinjoy mobile application. Kinjoy is owned and operated by Kinjoy.

2. Types of Information Collected: We collect the following personal information: name, email, age, broad location (country), and phone number. Device information is also collected.

3. Data Collection Methods: We collect data through cookies, user input, and usage of the app.

4. Purpose of Data Collection:
We collect user data for analytics to improve the user experience and provide services.

5. Data Storage and Security:
User data is stored on Firebase's servers. We implement measures provided by Firebase to ensure the security of collected data.

6. User Rights:
Users can access, correct, or delete their personal information by contacting us at the email below.

7. Third-Party Sharing:
We analyze user data using third-party software such as PostHog and Firebase to improve our product.

8. Data Retention: User data is retained for 5 years. Users will be informed when their account will be shut down.

9. Policy Changes:
Users will be notified of policy changes via email. The most recent version of the privacy policy can be reviewed in the app.

10. Contact Information:
For privacy-related inquiries, please contact us at

the email adress is "kinjoyapp" and the email service is gmailGet back to homepage